Collection > Combat

A Man
30.40.30 cm


A Woman

40.40.45 cm




45.40.30 cm


Mankind consists of man and woman (as well as genders in between) nothing else. Their sexual identity emphasizes the point where the dialectic representation of man and woman are opposed, however this conflict is further searched for within this nebulous yet unified whole (mankind). With this approach in mind – throughout the course of life – men and women learn what is appropriate for them to behave and live within a society whose fundamental rules are determined by those in power.

A paradox of combat and construction. This combat is transformed into a theatre of exchange, formed out of many transformations. The only way to free oneself seems to be by detaching oneself from presupposed feminine and masculine identities. Although this may leave someone in an unknown mental abyss, it is an experience accompanied with pleasure and satisfaction. It is a way to combat becoming a homogenized “we” – independently.

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