Urban Sculpture > Growth



670.60.60 cm


Growth is a significant concept that not only is observed through nature and physical processes of the body, but also in a more internal sense. Growth occurs with our views, feelings and throughout the course of our lives. Growth may continue down a specific path, becoming sustained, or start a new trajectory. In another light, it can exist in a dual state: covering a primary form, hiding or magnify it for greater, myriad manifestation.

In fact, the different stages of growth within our lives is similar to the lives of plants. They begin from roots and its stem, growing with intense vertical movement or spreading over vast surfaces. Perhaps it is a stem, which grows under or near the Earth’s surface, horizontally creating its own nodes, small leaves and offshoots. It may lack a certain structure and have an uncooperative existence with great ambiguity. In the other words, they exist with a logic that is not easily understandable – a logic of their own. It has no beginning, no ending and is always liminal, in between the soil and sky.

In any case, growth occurs throughout life. What is most important here is form and shape; the ground which determines one’s rate of success or failure, growth or death. How much does the ground aid in this continuous growth, or any growth at all? How does it begin to behave when a specific path is imposed upon it? These are just a few questions around growth and its conditions, answers that may be the outcome of a greater passage of time.

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